The Duktape


A staple of the daily drivers category, because just like it’s namesake, the Duktape can be used for just about everything. Whether you are paring down your quiver (just kidding), limited by funds, or need to pack light for a surf trip, an all arounder is an important board for everyone to have.

With a wider, voluminous nose, a smooth flowing outline that is pulled in to a tight round or squash tail this board has the dimensions you need to catch whatever wave you want. Plenty of thickness up around the chest area also assists with paddling. Despite the rounder outline, the moderately aggressive rails and relatively high rocker will allow steep drops on bigger days, and the pulled in tail will allow you to make the most of any open face you encounter. The single to double concave should provide predictability in clean or choppy surf.

Normally glassed with 4oz on the bottom and 6+4oz on the deck, this board is glassed just a touch on the heavy side, to help cut through light surface chop on less than perfect days. We do offer 4oz bottom and 4+4oz on the deck if you anticipate using this in cleaner surf. To fit with the daily driver theme, we recommend a 5-fin set up, just to open the options for tackling various surf conditions, but we will also install quad or thruster set ups.

If we could only have one board in our quiver, it would be this one.


Length: 5’6″-6’0″
Width: 18 3/4″-19 3/4″
Thickness: 2 1/4″-2 5/8″
Glassin: 4oz bottom, 6+4oz or 4+4oz deck
Fins: 5-fin, quad, thruster